Cable Workshop produceert  19" houten racks

cable-workshop racks groothandel

Leverbaar in 4 - 8 - 12 – 16 en 20HE, allen met een bruikbare diepte van 381 mm, de 12HE is er ook met een diepte van 454mm. (bruikbare diepte: 431mm)

  • Alle WRB racks zijn 517mm breed.
  • Kwaliteitsconstructie, zwart gelamineerd.
  • 19’’ profielen met M5 schroefdraad, zwart gelakt.
  • Inclusief alle montagemateriaal en handleiding.
  • Eenvoudige montage.

Deze racks bieden op een mooie en economische manier de mogelijkheid om 19’’ apparatuur  te monteren in home studio’s, residentiële installaties, vergaderruimtes, klaslokalen, restaurants e.d.




We offer a full line of enclosures, racks and accessoiries for the professional AV market - from music stores and pro audio suppliers to commercial installers.

Freestanding Racks

From minimal skeleton racks to fully enclosed racks with several door door options, our freestanding racks are durable and provide easy installation.

Free standing Pull-out and Rotating rack (CPROTR)

Free standing Pull-out and Rotating rack system mounted in a metal enclosure, an ingenious system that eliminates the need to remove equipment from the rack for maintenance and configuration by allowing you to pull out the entire rack from the cabinet and swivel it to gain full access to equipment, available in 35 and 42 spaces and with or witout a cabinet to enclose the rack.

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Economy Racks (ER)

Economy Racks, A simple, affordable rackdesign perfect for audio and video gear. Ships knocked down and is quick to assemble. Available in a variety of heights fro 4 to 20 spaces and 16 and 18``depths.

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Gangable Racks (GAR)

Gangable Racks designed for multi-rack installations, Open sides make cable routing easy. Includes adjustable fronts and rear rack rail with a wide-profile for extra internal clearence and easy cable managment.

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cool-components-cables groothandel

Leading the Way:  In Home Theater & Audio Video Cooling Solutions  .....follow the leader

We manufacture cooling and venting products for today``s residential systems. From spot cooling audio video components to venting cabinets and equipment closets, our products have been designed to protect components and systems from the heat that is naturally generated by today``s systems. Protecting equipment prevents annoying thermal shutdowns and extends the life of equipment.

Product Categories (more information)

New Products

Cabinet Venting

Rooms and Closets

TV and Projectors

Wall and Ceiling Ducting

Cabinet Duct System

Rack Cooling Products

Game System Cooling

Temp Controllers

Power Products

Tools and Supplies

Bulk Items

Passive Cooling (Grills)


Replacement Parts